The novel is a harmonious appreciaton of nature by a man in love with the wrong girl. Well, I've added the last three words, probably you will not find them in a strandard description of the plot. A pure personal opinion.
And I've not even been right and clear: the protagonist has always loved the nature and he's fully delved into it, far from the everyday society. In certain way here the nature is like a third character, similar to the arms of a mother: always there, ready to sustain his loneliness, even enhacing it.
And this is one of the several points that distances him and Eduarda, the love he will discover during the story. Eduarda is a young girl, a woman of the world surely.
She has some faults of her age: she is looking for "the man of her dreams", a total idealized figure for which she suffers and treats badly who is not able to measure up to it, even if not intentionally. And, most of all, she's one of the strongest reason for my dislike towards the book. i have not anything towards disconnected dreamers, but she's pretty annoying, if not dull like every character in the novel. In fact she's also capricious, unstable, a bit snobbish when there are the right circumstances, and..well..a bit stupid too then (I can't remember a single interesting line by her).
The question is: why all this fuss for her?
But I guess that this is a universal interrogative, given the many wrong couples existing in the world.
I didn't liked even how in some ways she's cuddled in her faults, like she doesn't have responsabilties towards her actions and immature beliefs. Arrrrrgh, homicide! I hate that!
And like I said, the other characters are not so remarkable. The protagonist is simply uninteresting. He's so uninteresting that there's nothing to add. Surely he reprents the same love for nature, and the many description in the novel are inspiring, but in this case.. the reader is a wrong choice. I've some problem in relating to nature (insects everywhere, aaaah!) and I really don't share the same dedication to it like him, so I'm not the most receptive person about this subject.
Why then reading this book? I was hoping that a good love story could instill a fascinating pathos in the descriptions, but the prerequisite has totally failed.