Hunger for Knowledge tagged everyone, so..I take the pleasure! 
1. What was the last book you marked as 'Read'?
When God Was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman.
I'm trying to forget it, please. 


2. What are you 'Currently Reading'?
Embers by Sàndor Màrai (the accents are in the opposite direction, but..I'm too lazy to search the symbol in the keyboard).
The Martian by Andy Weir.
The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevskij.
The Complete Essays by Montaigne.


3. What was the last book you marked as 'To-Read'?
Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas.

4. What book do you plan to read next?


I'm a reader who plans a lot, even if time doesn't agree with my costant and hopeful ambitions. I'd like to read before the end of the month at least Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Vargas Llosa.


5. Do you use the star rating system?
Yes, I try to be objective the most of the times, but emotions play a big role when they are invasive: extreme frustration or ,on the contrary, a really great time during the read. But I'm very cautious with the fifth star. 


6. Are you doing a 2014 reading challenge?
Yes, 95 books. There was a time when I read 160 books in one year (cool, but crazy for me now). Then school sucked my time and now I hope only for """"humble"""" goals. Life is hard (insert a dramatic tone here).
7. Do you have a wishlist?
Sure. And it is disastrously long.
8. What book do you want to buy next?
LOL, every book of my wishlist? I don't really know: the fate will decide for me.


9. Do you have any favorite quotes? Would you like to share a few?


"Scipio: How I loathe you! And how I pity you!

Caligula [angrily]: Enough, I tell you.

Scipio: And how horrible a loneliness like yours must be!

Caligula [ in a rush of anger, gripping the boy by the collar, and shaking him]: Loneliness! What do you know of it? Only the loneliness of poets and weaklings. You prate of loneliness, but you don’t realise that one is never alone. Always we are attended by the same load of the future and the past. Those we have killed are always with us. But they are no great trouble. It’s those we have loved, those who loved us and whom we did not love; regrets, desires, bitterness and sweetness, whores and gods, the gang celestial! Always, always with us! [He releases Scipio and moves back to his former place.] Alone! Ah, if only in this loneliness, this ghoul-haunted wilderness of mine, I could know, but for a moment, real solitude, real silence, the throbbing stillness of a tree! [Sitting down, in an access of fatigue.] Solitude? No, Scipio, mine is full of gnashings of teeth, hideous with jarring sounds and voices. "
- Caligula, Albert Camus

10. Who are your favorite authors?


There are authors that I admire a lot: Camus, Oriana Fallaci, Edith Wharton, Beckett too. 


11. Have you joined any groups?


Not here on BL. On GR yes and I'm active when I can. 


12. Are there any questions you'd like to add to this tag?

Given the hard scholastic times, I'll re-quote Camus: Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee? 

These exams are killing me. I don't even have to do it by myself.
It's an universal question, you can't deny it. 


The people I tag are:


Everyone without doubt!